Posted by: Zero Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Spanish language is one of the most strictest languages when it comes to orthography. Orthography in Spanish is extremely important not only to communicate what you mean but also to show you are an educated person. At times, natives, most commonly youths, make the gross mistake of thinking that they will seem "cool" by writing in their own style by changing the correct letters to ones less used or making them shorter like Kreo q tienes razon when the correct one is Creo que tienes razón/I think you’re right or Estare contigo x 100pre meaning Estaré contigo por siempre/I will be with you forever.

What are the consequences of writing like this? There are terrible consequences such as when they want to write correctly, they are not going to know how to do it because they have already developed poor writing habits. For example; someone who writes 100pre could write ciempre because "100" in Spanish is cien, but the correct word is siempre, which sounds absolutely the same. Another consequence is that they will be showed themselves to be a person with a low educational level. Perhaps, when they are young it is not a problem, but it will be when they grow up.

What about accents? Most foreigners could think "I have seen Spanish speakers who don’t use accents.Why do I have to do it too?" Let me answer you: There are two principal reasons why natives don’t use accents. One reason is because they are lazy, and the other reason could be that they are not sure where to put them and finish up not using them. None of these reasons mean accents are not needed. They are needed and essential because you could change the meaning of a sentence like this:

◎Mi papá es alto. (My father is tall.)
◎Mi papa es alto. (My pope is tall.)

◎Estudio inglés. (I study English.)
◎Estudio ingles. (I study groins.)

◎Fumo todo el día. (I smoke all day long.)
◎Fumó todo el día. (He/She smoked all day long.)

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